Terms of Use
Primary tabs
Secondary tabs
Token | Value |
[node:unit-description-description] | |
[node:unit_description_description] | |
[node:author] | admin |
[node:author:created] | Tue, 31/07/2012 - 11:45 |
[node:author:created:custom:?] | |
[node:author:created:long] | Tuesday, 31 Luglio, 2012 - 11:45 |
[node:author:created:medium] | Tue, 31/07/2012 - 11:45 |
[node:author:created:raw] | 1343720728 |
[node:author:created:short] | 31/07/2012 - 11:45 |
[node:author:created:since] | 12 years 7 months |
[node:author:theme] | lerepair19 |
[node:author:edit-url] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/user/1/edit |
[node:author:mail] | security-updates@maven.sc |
[node:author:last-access] | Wed, 30/10/2024 - 16:53 |
[node:author:last-access:custom:?] | |
[node:author:last-access:long] | Wednesday, 30 Ottobre, 2024 - 16:53 |
[node:author:last-access:medium] | Wed, 30/10/2024 - 16:53 |
[node:author:last-access:raw] | 1730292818 |
[node:author:last-access:short] | 30/10/2024 - 16:53 |
[node:author:last-access:since] | 3 months 3 weeks |
[node:author:last-login] | Wed, 30/10/2024 - 16:46 |
[node:author:last-login:custom:?] | |
[node:author:last-login:long] | Wednesday, 30 Ottobre, 2024 - 16:46 |
[node:author:last-login:medium] | Wed, 30/10/2024 - 16:46 |
[node:author:last-login:raw] | 1730292380 |
[node:author:last-login:short] | 30/10/2024 - 16:46 |
[node:author:last-login:since] | 3 months 3 weeks |
[node:author:metatag] | |
[node:author:metatag:cache-control] | |
[node:author:metatag:canonical] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/node/97/devel/token |
[node:author:metatag:content-language] | |
[node:author:metatag:rating] | |
[node:author:metatag:expires] | |
[node:author:metatag:generator] | Drupal 7 (https://www.drupal.org) |
[node:author:metatag:geo.placename] | |
[node:author:metatag:geo.position] | |
[node:author:metatag:geo.region] | |
[node:author:metatag:google] | |
[node:author:metatag:news_keywords] | |
[node:author:metatag:standout] | |
[node:author:metatag:icbm] | |
[node:author:metatag:image_src] | |
[node:author:metatag:next] | |
[node:author:metatag:original-source] | |
[node:author:metatag:pragma] | |
[node:author:metatag:prev] | |
[node:author:metatag:referrer] | |
[node:author:metatag:refresh] | |
[node:author:metatag:revisit-after] | |
[node:author:metatag:rights] | |
[node:author:metatag:robots] | |
[node:author:metatag:set_cookie] | |
[node:author:metatag:shortlink] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/node/97/devel/token |
[node:author:metatag:hreflang_xdefault] | |
[node:author:metatag:hreflang_en] | |
[node:author:metatag:hreflang_fr] | |
[node:author:metatag:hreflang_it] | |
[node:author:metatag:abstract] | |
[node:author:metatag:description] | Boutique Hotel and Italian Restaurant on the Beach Front of La Digue, Seychelles, 10 minutes walk from the most famous beaches |
[node:author:metatag:keywords] | |
[node:author:metatag:title] | admin | Le Repaire |
[node:author:metatag:fb:admins] | |
[node:author:metatag:fb:app_id] | |
[node:author:metatag:fb:pages] | |
[node:author:metatag:video:actor] | |
[node:author:metatag:video:actor:role] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:locale:alternate] | |
[node:author:metatag:article:author] | |
[node:author:metatag:article:expiration_time] | |
[node:author:metatag:article:modified_time] | |
[node:author:metatag:article:published_time] | |
[node:author:metatag:article:publisher] | |
[node:author:metatag:article:section] | |
[node:author:metatag:article:tag] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:audio] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:audio:secure_url] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:audio:type] | |
[node:author:metatag:book:isbn] | |
[node:author:metatag:book:author] | |
[node:author:metatag:book:release_date] | |
[node:author:metatag:book:tag] | |
[node:author:metatag:profile:last_name] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:description] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:updated_time] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:title] | admin |
[node:author:metatag:og:determiner] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:type] | profile |
[node:author:metatag:og:country_name] | |
[node:author:metatag:video:director] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:email] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:fax_number] | |
[node:author:metatag:profile:gender] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:image] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:image:url] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:image:alt] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:image:height] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:image:type] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:image:width] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:latitude] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:locale] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:locality] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:longitude] | |
[node:author:metatag:profile:first_name] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:url] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:phone_number] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:postal_code] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:region] | |
[node:author:metatag:video:release_date] | |
[node:author:metatag:video:writer] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:image:secure_url] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:see_also] | |
[node:author:metatag:video:series] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:site_name] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:street_address] | |
[node:author:metatag:video:tag] | |
[node:author:metatag:profile:username] | admin |
[node:author:metatag:og:video:url] | |
[node:author:metatag:video:duration] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:video:height] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:video:secure_url] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:video:type] | |
[node:author:metatag:og:video:width] | |
[node:author:metatag:baidu-site-verification] | |
[node:author:metatag:msvalidate.01] | |
[node:author:metatag:facebook-domain-verification] | ekqr7mdv4j6cfj60j3iybjonm7gbt0 |
[node:author:metatag:google-site-verification] | |
[node:author:metatag:norton-safeweb-site-verification] | |
[node:author:metatag:p:domain_verify] | |
[node:author:metatag:pocket-site-verification] | |
[node:author:metatag:yandex-verification] | |
[node:author:metatag:zoom-domain-verification] | |
[node:author:name] | admin |
[node:author:original] | |
[node:author:picture] | |
[node:author:picture:basename] | |
[node:author:picture:extension] | |
[node:author:picture:fid] | |
[node:author:picture:size-raw] | |
[node:author:picture:ffp-extension-original] | |
[node:author:picture:ffp-name-only] | |
[node:author:picture:name] | |
[node:author:picture:ffp-name-only-original] | |
[node:author:picture:size] | |
[node:author:picture:mime] | |
[node:author:picture:original] | |
[node:author:picture:owner] | |
[node:author:picture:path] | |
[node:author:picture:timestamp] | |
[node:author:picture:url] | |
[node:author:roles] | authenticated user, administrator |
[node:author:roles:count] | 2 |
[node:author:roles:first] | authenticated user |
[node:author:roles:join:?] | |
[node:author:roles:join-path] | authenticated-user/administrator |
[node:author:roles:keys] | 2, 3 |
[node:author:roles:keys:count] | 2 |
[node:author:roles:keys:first] | 2 |
[node:author:roles:keys:join:?] | |
[node:author:roles:keys:join-path] | 2/3 |
[node:author:roles:keys:last] | 3 |
[node:author:roles:keys:reversed] | 3, 2 |
[node:author:roles:keys:value:?] | |
[node:author:roles:last] | administrator |
[node:author:roles:reversed] | administrator, authenticated user |
[node:author:roles:reversed:count] | 2 |
[node:author:roles:reversed:first] | administrator |
[node:author:roles:reversed:join:?] | |
[node:author:roles:reversed:join-path] | administrator/authenticated-user |
[node:author:roles:reversed:keys] | 3, 2 |
[node:author:roles:reversed:last] | authenticated user |
[node:author:roles:reversed:value:?] | |
[node:author:roles:value:?] | |
[node:author:status] | Active |
[node:author:url] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/users/admin |
[node:author:url:absolute] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/users/admin |
[node:author:url:args] | users, admin |
[node:author:url:args:count] | 2 |
[node:author:url:args:first] | users |
[node:author:url:args:join:?] | |
[node:author:url:args:join-path] | users/admin |
[node:author:url:args:keys] | 0, 1 |
[node:author:url:args:last] | admin |
[node:author:url:args:reversed] | admin, users |
[node:author:url:args:value:?] | |
[node:author:url:brief] | www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/users/admin |
[node:author:url:path] | users/admin |
[node:author:url:relative] | /it/users/admin |
[node:author:url:unaliased] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/user/1 |
[node:author:url:unaliased:absolute] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/user/1 |
[node:author:url:unaliased:args] | user, 1 |
[node:author:url:unaliased:brief] | www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/user/1 |
[node:author:url:unaliased:path] | user/1 |
[node:author:url:unaliased:relative] | /it/user/1 |
[node:author:uid] | 1 |
[node:author:role-ids] | 2,3 |
[node:author:role-names] | authenticated user,administrator |
[node:body:?] | |
[node:body-summary] | |
[node:nid] | 97 |
[node:content-type] | Basic page |
[node:content-type:description] | Use basic pages for your static content, such as an 'About us' page. |
[node:content-type:i18n-description] | Use basic pages for your static content, such as an 'About us' page. |
[node:content-type:edit-url] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/admin/structure/types/manage/page |
[node:content-type:machine-name] | page |
[node:content-type:name] | Basic page |
[node:content-type:i18n-name] | Basic page |
[node:content-type:node-count] | 30 |
[node:revision] | |
[node:changed] | Mon, 13/07/2020 - 11:03 |
[node:changed:custom:?] | |
[node:changed:long] | Monday, 13 Luglio, 2020 - 11:03 |
[node:changed:medium] | Mon, 13/07/2020 - 11:03 |
[node:changed:raw] | 1594623825 |
[node:changed:short] | 13/07/2020 - 11:03 |
[node:changed:since] | 4 years 7 months |
[node:created] | Mon, 13/07/2020 - 10:43 |
[node:created:custom:?] | |
[node:created:long] | Monday, 13 Luglio, 2020 - 10:43 |
[node:created:medium] | Mon, 13/07/2020 - 10:43 |
[node:created:raw] | 1594622602 |
[node:created:short] | 13/07/2020 - 10:43 |
[node:created:since] | 4 years 7 months |
[node:edit-url] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/node/97/edit |
[node:field_file] | |
[node:field-file:?] | |
[node:unit_description_image] | |
[node:field_image] | |
[node:field-image:?] | |
[node:unit-description-image:?] | |
[node:is-new] | false |
[node:language] | und |
[node:menu-link] | Terms of Use |
[node:menu-link:edit-url] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/admin/structure/menu/item/4099/edit |
[node:menu-link:mlid] | 4099 |
[node:menu-link:menu] | Terms menu |
[node:menu-link:menu:description] | |
[node:menu-link:menu:edit-url] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/admin/structure/menu/manage/menu-terms-menu |
[node:menu-link:menu:machine-name] | menu-terms-menu |
[node:menu-link:menu:menu-link-count] | 2 |
[node:menu-link:menu:name] | Terms menu |
[node:menu-link:parent] | |
[node:menu-link:parents] | |
[node:menu-link:root] | |
[node:menu-link:title] | Terms of Use |
[node:menu-link:url] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/terms-use |
[node:menu-link:url:absolute] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/terms-use |
[node:menu-link:url:args] | terms-use |
[node:menu-link:url:args:count] | 1 |
[node:menu-link:url:args:first] | terms-use |
[node:menu-link:url:args:join:?] | |
[node:menu-link:url:args:join-path] | terms-use |
[node:menu-link:url:args:keys] | 0 |
[node:menu-link:url:args:last] | terms-use |
[node:menu-link:url:args:reversed] | terms-use |
[node:menu-link:url:args:value:?] | |
[node:menu-link:url:brief] | www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/terms-use |
[node:menu-link:url:path] | terms-use |
[node:menu-link:url:relative] | /it/terms-use |
[node:menu-link:url:unaliased] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/node/97 |
[node:menu-link:url:unaliased:absolute] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/node/97 |
[node:menu-link:url:unaliased:args] | node, 97 |
[node:menu-link:url:unaliased:brief] | www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/node/97 |
[node:menu-link:url:unaliased:path] | node/97 |
[node:menu-link:url:unaliased:relative] | /it/node/97 |
[node:metatag] | |
[node:metatag:author] | |
[node:metatag:cache-control] | |
[node:metatag:canonical] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/node/97/devel/token |
[node:metatag:content-language] | |
[node:metatag:rating] | |
[node:metatag:expires] | |
[node:metatag:generator] | Drupal 7 (https://www.drupal.org) |
[node:metatag:geo.placename] | |
[node:metatag:geo.position] | |
[node:metatag:geo.region] | |
[node:metatag:google] | |
[node:metatag:news_keywords] | |
[node:metatag:standout] | |
[node:metatag:icbm] | |
[node:metatag:image_src] | |
[node:metatag:next] | |
[node:metatag:original-source] | |
[node:metatag:pragma] | |
[node:metatag:prev] | |
[node:metatag:referrer] | |
[node:metatag:refresh] | |
[node:metatag:revisit-after] | |
[node:metatag:rights] | |
[node:metatag:robots] | |
[node:metatag:set_cookie] | |
[node:metatag:shortlink] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/node/97/devel/token |
[node:metatag:hreflang_xdefault] | |
[node:metatag:hreflang_en] | |
[node:metatag:hreflang_fr] | |
[node:metatag:hreflang_it] | |
[node:metatag:abstract] | |
[node:metatag:description] | Introduction Lerepaireseychelles.com is owned by Le Repaire (Pty) La Digue (hereafter Le Repaire). These terms and conditions are governed by Seychelles law. For the context of these terms and conditions the terms ‘we’ or ‘us’ means Le Repaire. By continuing to use lerepaireseychelles.com, you agree to comply with and be bound by all of the terms and conditions set out herein. |
[node:metatag:keywords] | |
[node:metatag:title] | Terms of Use | Le Repaire |
[node:metatag:fb:admins] | |
[node:metatag:fb:app_id] | |
[node:metatag:fb:pages] | |
[node:metatag:video:actor] | |
[node:metatag:video:actor:role] | |
[node:metatag:og:locale:alternate] | |
[node:metatag:article:author] | |
[node:metatag:article:expiration_time] | |
[node:metatag:article:modified_time] | 2020-07-13T11:03:45+04:00 |
[node:metatag:article:published_time] | 2020-07-13T10:43:22+04:00 |
[node:metatag:article:publisher] | |
[node:metatag:article:section] | |
[node:metatag:article:tag] | |
[node:metatag:og:audio] | |
[node:metatag:og:audio:secure_url] | |
[node:metatag:og:audio:type] | |
[node:metatag:book:isbn] | |
[node:metatag:book:author] | |
[node:metatag:book:release_date] | |
[node:metatag:book:tag] | |
[node:metatag:profile:last_name] | |
[node:metatag:og:description] | Introduction Lerepaireseychelles.com is owned by Le Repaire (Pty) La Digue (hereafter Le Repaire). These terms and conditions are governed by Seychelles law. For the context of these terms and conditions the terms ‘we’ or ‘us’ means Le Repaire. By continuing to use lerepaireseychelles.com, you agree to comply with and be bound by all of the terms and conditions set out herein. We reserve the right to modify these at any time, and such modifications shall take immediate effect. We therefore recommend that you review the terms and conditions periodically to be aware of such modifications. |
[node:metatag:og:updated_time] | 2020-07-13T11:03:45+04:00 |
[node:metatag:og:title] | Terms of Use |
[node:metatag:og:determiner] | |
[node:metatag:og:type] | |
[node:metatag:og:country_name] | |
[node:metatag:video:director] | |
[node:metatag:og:email] | |
[node:metatag:og:fax_number] | |
[node:metatag:profile:gender] | |
[node:metatag:og:image] | |
[node:metatag:og:image:url] | |
[node:metatag:og:image:alt] | |
[node:metatag:og:image:height] | |
[node:metatag:og:image:type] | |
[node:metatag:og:image:width] | |
[node:metatag:og:latitude] | |
[node:metatag:og:locale] | |
[node:metatag:og:locality] | |
[node:metatag:og:longitude] | |
[node:metatag:profile:first_name] | |
[node:metatag:og:url] | |
[node:metatag:og:phone_number] | |
[node:metatag:og:postal_code] | |
[node:metatag:og:region] | |
[node:metatag:video:release_date] | |
[node:metatag:video:writer] | |
[node:metatag:og:image:secure_url] | |
[node:metatag:og:see_also] | |
[node:metatag:video:series] | |
[node:metatag:og:site_name] | |
[node:metatag:og:street_address] | |
[node:metatag:video:tag] | |
[node:metatag:profile:username] | |
[node:metatag:og:video:url] | |
[node:metatag:video:duration] | |
[node:metatag:og:video:height] | |
[node:metatag:og:video:secure_url] | |
[node:metatag:og:video:type] | |
[node:metatag:og:video:width] | |
[node:metatag:baidu-site-verification] | |
[node:metatag:msvalidate.01] | |
[node:metatag:facebook-domain-verification] | ekqr7mdv4j6cfj60j3iybjonm7gbt0 |
[node:metatag:google-site-verification] | |
[node:metatag:norton-safeweb-site-verification] | |
[node:metatag:p:domain_verify] | |
[node:metatag:pocket-site-verification] | |
[node:metatag:yandex-verification] | |
[node:metatag:zoom-domain-verification] | |
[node:original] | |
[node:promote] | false |
[node:vid] | 97 |
[node:log] | |
[node:status] | Published |
[node:sticky] | false |
[node:summary] | IntroductionLerepaireseychelles.com is owned by Le Repaire (Pty) La Digue (hereafter Le Repaire). These terms and conditions are governed by Seychelles law. For the context of these terms and conditions the terms ‘we’ or ‘us’ means Le Repaire. |
[node:field_tags] | |
[node:field-tags] | |
[node:title] | Terms of Use |
[node:source] | |
[node:field-type] | |
[node:field_type] | |
[node:url] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/terms-use |
[node:url:absolute] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/terms-use |
[node:url:args] | terms-use |
[node:url:args:count] | 1 |
[node:url:args:first] | terms-use |
[node:url:args:join:?] | |
[node:url:args:join-path] | terms-use |
[node:url:args:keys] | 0 |
[node:url:args:keys:count] | 1 |
[node:url:args:keys:first] | 0 |
[node:url:args:keys:join:?] | |
[node:url:args:keys:join-path] | 0 |
[node:url:args:keys:last] | 0 |
[node:url:args:keys:reversed] | 0 |
[node:url:args:keys:value:?] | |
[node:url:args:last] | terms-use |
[node:url:args:reversed] | terms-use |
[node:url:args:reversed:count] | 1 |
[node:url:args:reversed:first] | terms-use |
[node:url:args:reversed:join:?] | |
[node:url:args:reversed:join-path] | terms-use |
[node:url:args:reversed:keys] | 0 |
[node:url:args:reversed:last] | terms-use |
[node:url:args:reversed:value:?] | |
[node:url:args:value:?] | |
[node:url:brief] | www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/terms-use |
[node:url:path] | terms-use |
[node:url:relative] | /it/terms-use |
[node:url:unaliased] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/node/97 |
[node:url:unaliased:absolute] | https://www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/node/97 |
[node:url:unaliased:args] | node, 97 |
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[node:url:unaliased:args:first] | node |
[node:url:unaliased:args:join:?] | |
[node:url:unaliased:args:join-path] | node/97 |
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[node:url:unaliased:args:value:?] | |
[node:url:unaliased:brief] | www.lerepaireseychelles.com./it/node/97 |
[node:url:unaliased:path] | node/97 |
[node:url:unaliased:relative] | /it/node/97 |
[node:url-en] | |
[node:url-fr] | |
[node:url-it] | |
[node:url-original] | |
[node:field-weight] | |
[node:field_weight] |